TENNAIR Mailing List

The TENNAIR Association created an electronic mailing list using Google Groups Messaging as a convenient and quick way to communication with members. This e-mail messaging makes it easy to inform members of Association news, announce conference details, and provide easy access to work collaboratively on IR issues. Please join the TENNAIR Google Group at tennair@googlegroups.com

Join the Group:

You must become a member of the group before you can receive messages sent to the group. To join, send an e-mail request to the List Manager who will add you to the group. You will receive an e-mail with a link for you to click and confirm your membership.

List Manager: Melissa Johnson johnsonm@apsu.edu

Receive Messages:

Once you join the group you will receive messages sent to tennair@googlegroups.com

Send Messages:

After joining the group, messages may be sent to all members by addressing an e-mail to tennair@googlegroups.com

If you encounter problems sending a message, please contact the List Manager.

A common issue with e-mails not being recognized by the Google message center is when full addresses are not used, such as name@inst.edu versus name@mail.inst.edu

Membership List:

Contact the List Manager to obtain current member information.

Removal from Group:

Contact the List Manager to remove your name from the group.